1.Please provide the name and email address of the primary point of contact for this policy. A LIBI email address* must be provided for this submission to be reviewed. Name LIBI email address: (*all submissions must be done with a LIBI.edu email address. ) Department proposing this policy: 2. Name of the manager or supervisor of the department submitting this policy: 3. Has this proposal already been submitted in writing? Yes No 4. This is a….. New policy Revision or update to an existing policy Retirement or repeal of an existing policy 5. Briefly describe the rationale, reason, or need for this proposal: 6.Briefly describe what this policy or policy update will accomplish: 7. Please state the scope of this policy: Which operational areas will be affected? 8. Are there any risks of NOT implementing this policy? Please describe. 9. Who is affected by this proposed policy? Please select all that apply: Students Applicants for admission Staff Faculty Job applicants Campus visitors Vendors Others (please specify) ________________ Please specify 10. Are there any legal, financial, accreditation, operational, technological, or other requirements prompting this proposal? Yes No Please describe: 11. What resources (human, financial, operational, technological, or other) are needed to implement and maintain compliance with this policy? 12. How does this proposal help LIBI meet its goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion? Please state if this policy will have any unintended consequences to these goals. 13. Are there any fiscal implications related to this proposal? Yes No Not certain 14. List the stakeholders (departments, areas, individuals) most impacted by this policy who should be consulted during the policy drafting process: 15. Are there any departments, individuals, or decision-making bodies that have already contributed to this policy or have pledged their support for this policy? Please specify: 16. Please describe any social, political, or operational implications that this policy may have that could generate discord or push-back from stakeholders. Specify, if there is anything within this policy that may be misinterpreted by the LIBI community or the communities beyond our college walls. 17. What communication or training will be necessary to ensure success once this policy is implemented? 18. What is the desired timeline of implementation for this policy? Are there regulatory factors that are informing this timeline? 19. If you have a draft of the policy already prepared, please attach it here. Send