1. Every aspect of the college should concern itself with student success. LIBI must focus its energies on ensuring that innovations in teaching and responsive help and support are consistently available across the student groups. Using assessment evidence LIBI , will innovate and fearlessly try new approaches to support the learning of all students who enroll at the college.
  2. LIBI will evaluate orientation and advising services to ensure that students start knowing how to find support systems at the college.
  3. Student progression and completion will be an important priority for the 2022-2024 academic year.


  1. Collect and publish current data on orientation attendance.
  2. Collect and publish current data on on-boarding procedures in advising.
  3. Collect and publish course completion data by gatekeeper courses and major.
  4. Collect and publish current advising data on students who did not complete the semester they were registered for.


  1. Dedicate resources to improve student learning and success where gaps were identified by assessment efforts.
  2. Enhance online instruction and support services.
  3. Use technology to help with the retention.


Giving the community open access to information. Identify and eliminate communication silos. Invite constituents to create solutions by making information readily available. Increase written communications within the participative governance structure. What is the current perception of how LIBI communicates its goals and needs?


  1. Evaluate collegewide perception of communication. Gauge the morale of constituent groups.
  2. Include specific communications related questions on the Evaluation of Senior Administrators.
  3. Include specific communications related questions in the Self-evaluation of Shared Governance surveys.


  1. Engage internal constituents in anonymous surveys to obtain a true benchmark. Obtain and publicly publish the results of surveys evaluating the perceptions of how information is communicated at LIBI.
  2. Hold conversations to better understand how the college can be more transparent.
  3. Integrate the work of governance committees and develop a plan to improve information flow across the entire community, not just between those active in LIBI’s governance processes.
  4. Engage adjunct faculty more deeply and ensure they continue to feel connected to the institution.


  1. Continue to work on identifying strengths and weaknesses in LIBI’s curriculum.
  2. Continue to evaluate where the greatest performance gaps exist and address them through a community wide effort.
  3. Provide budgetary requests addressing the areas of greatest deficiency will receive priority consideration.


  1. Determine the academic areas of greatest underperformance.
  2. Provide a summary of underperformance by major and all other variables the college uses to track performance.
  3. Determine whether appreciable differences in teaching techniques account for differences in performance.
  4. Provide a summary of resources allocated and lacking, if any, in the underperforming areas.


  1. Improve student progression toward their academic goals and to degree completion.
  2. Publish the results of relevant student learning outcomes and identify the issues found. Propose improvements. Estimate financial resources needed to see improvement.
  3. Publish results of student services efforts in support of student learning Determine if changes to the system are needed.

Accountability for institutional effectiveness rests with the executive staff and the members of LIBI’s governance mechanism; more transparency is required of all participants.


Data on student progression has been variable. Publish updates if available.

Publish a summary of what is working well so lessons can be drawn from those programs and implemented to the lagging performers.


A college is only as good as its least trained employee; therefore, LIBI will ensure that it provides relevant and timely professional development to its employees. Professional development has several facets – training that enables employees to perform their job duties is just one part of creating a capable and effective institution.

Employees must be given professional development opportunities that help contribute to ad- vancing college strategic goals. Employees must understand why LIBI does assessment and how they should think about the available data. More importantly, employees should under- stand what to do with the assessment data as they carry out their duties. The college must offer workshops specifically with the intention of connecting all employees to assessment so that there is an institution-wide understanding of how daily activities tie directly to the college mission.


  1. Determine the community perceptions of professional development offered by the college.
  2. Compile an assessment of the professional development activities that have taken place.


Organize ongoing institution wide workshops to develop a wider understanding of the data being shared with the community. These workshops should explain findings on student learn- ing and achievement. The aim is to integrate assessment activities into daily work activities so that staff and faculty understand that their actions frequently and directly influence outcomes.


  1. Upgrade technology infrastructure to support student success, using student learn- ing outcomes data, and the recommendations made by the Resource Allocations
  2. Update technology plan and physical facilities plan in light of the college learning remotely since 2020.


  1. Provide an operational assessment of the status of technology needs to support aca- demic efforts.
  2. Compile a list of classroom technology that needs to be updated in preparation for a hybrid return.
  3. Assess the level of usage of the new technology.
  4. Determine the level of training required for faculty and staff to have facilities with available technology and tools to maximize effectiveness and teaching excellence.
  5. Conduct a comprehensive IT survey to determine the challenges faced teaching and learning remotely.


  1. Provide an assessment of technology upgrades based on hybrid model of operation。
  2. Compile a training plan to address deficits in usage of available technology by faculty, staff, and students.


Participatory Governance: Policies and Procedures 

Board of Directors – Policies 

Governing Board Bylaws

BRD-100-Guidelines for Presidential Searches  

BRD-101-BOARD POLICY on Commitment to Governance 

BRD-102-BOARD POLICY on Duties of the Chairperson 

BRD-103-BOARD POLICY on Orientation of New Members 

BRD-104-BOARD Self-Assessment Policies 

BRD-105-BOARD POLICY on Vacancies on The Board 

BRD-106-BOARD POLICY on Ethical Governance 


BRD-108-BOARD POLICY on Amendments to Bylaws 

BRD-109-BOARD POLICY on Succession 

BRD-110-BOARD POLICY on Establishing Policies 

BRD-111-BOARD POLICY on Faculty Responsibilities 

BRD-114-BOARD POLICY on Conflict of Interest 

BRD-116-BOARD POLICY on Role of the President 

BRD-117-BOARD POLICY on Board Code of Ethics Violations 

BRD-118-BOARD POLICY on Accreditation 

BRD-120-BOARD POLICY on Policy Updates 

BRD-121-BOARD POLICY on Usage of Electronic Signatures 

BRD-202-BOARD POLICY on Supporting Accreditation 

BRD-203-BOARD POLICY on Branch Campus

BRD-204-BOARD POLICY on Academic Regulations, Admission, Registration and Records

BRD-205- BOARD POLICY on Academic Program Discontinuance 

BRD-206-BOARD POLICY on Distance Education

BRD-207-BOARD POLICY on Program Reviews

BRD-208-BOARD POLICY on Library

BRD-210-BOARD POLICY on Commitment to Diversity

BRD-211-BOARD POLICY on Text Messaging

BRD-212-BOARD POLICY on Requirements for Distribution of Voter Registration Forms

BRD-214-BOARD POLICY on Student Complaints Involving Faculty and Academic Matters

BRD-220-BOARD POLICY on Student Transcripts

BRD-301-BOARD POLICY on Admissions Department Compensation

BRD-305-BOARD POLICY on Fraudulent Documentation to Gain Admission

BRD-320-BOARD POLICY on Admissions Disclaimer

BRD-409-BOARD POLICY on Indemnification

BRD-410-BOARD POLICY on Reinstatement of Veteran Employees

BRD-414-BOARD POLICY on Professional Growth and Development

BRD-415-BOARD POLICY on Requirements for Student Involvement in Decision-Making Processes

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